Pre Teen

Pre Teen Tips from Pediatrician Tips

Protecting Our Little Ones: Every Parent's Priority is a Healthy Child As parents we should try to make sure our kids eat certain foods to support their immune systems. Nothing is more undesirable than seeing your little one fighting a cold...
There is no correlation between testified use of time-outs and damaging behavior in later years Are time-outs needless experiences that only causes kids to feel deserted in their time of emotional crisis? By Simon Books As with everything parenting, time-out has its...
A surefire way to get your kids and teens excited about American history is to plan a family or class visit to the White House. The White House often approves tours specifically for children. Here are some suggestions to make...
parents reading over their child’s school supply lists might see face masks required this year. Some school systems will require face coverings for students returning to in-person school this fall. by: Kaylyn Kluck Along with the usual pencils, glue, and crayons –...
The American Academy of Pediatrics worries that without going to school, children lose access to behavioral and mental health services, food programs, and are socially isolated. Note: Pediatrician Tips is strictly a news and information website about pediatrics. It does...